Sep 2008 4:02 PMMahindra and Mahindra has launched an advanced version of its Bolero priced at Rs 6. To find the on road price of Mahindra Bolero you need to click on the check on road price. Mahindra have once again advertised their customized variant of Bolero. Mahindra unveiled Bolero Stinger at the Mumbai Auto Show at Bandra Kurla Complex in November 2009.
Bolero Stinger at the Mumbai Auto Show at Bandra Kurla Complex in November 2009. Bolero VLX is powered by the 97hp CRDe engine and is a 2WD variant. Attitude is one such result of car customization taken to the limits and then some more.
Lets bring some STING to this Festive Season – Lets talk “BOLERO STINGER”! The Attitude is a customized Bolero from the Mahindra group. Mahindra has recently unveiled the Bolero Attitude Concept in India that is out with the following features. Por isto o Attitude apresenta algumas pequenas semelhancas com o visual dos carros citados acima.
The latest from the in-house customisation team is the Bolero Super Stinger which takes the rugged image of the highest selling Indian SUV to an all new high. Bolero Super Stinger which takes the rugged image of the highest selling Indian SUV to an all new high. Mahindra and Mahindra unveiled its new Bolero Stinger which is nothing but an upgraded model of its age old model Bolero. Bolero Stinger which is nothing but an upgraded model of its age old model Bolero.
Photos of hot modified Mahindra Boleros: Which one do you like. Mahindra unveils the Bolero Stinger-customized concept at the.
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